Title I
Purpose of Title I
Title I (of the federal No Child Left Behind legislation) is a federal program that provides opportunities for the children served to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet challenging state content standards.
Title I resources are distributed to schools where needs are the greatest, in amounts sufficient to make a difference in the improvement of instruction.
Title I coordinates services with other educational services and, to the degree possible, with health and social services programs.
Title I provides greater decision-making authority and flexibility within the schools and for teachers. However, greater responsibility for student performance is the exchange made for this flexibility.
What are the goals of Title I?
Provide a strong instructional program that addresses the needs of all students and emphasizes advanced and basic skills.
Focus on student achievement in language arts and math and closely monitor student progress as a basis for new instruction.
Concentrate on staff development that will enhance instruction.
Involve parents and community in the educational process
What services does Title I provide
Support for 13 schools
Parenting workshops and parenting centers
Instructional materials and supplies
Tutoring services in Priority and Focus Schools
School Choice in Priority and Focus Schools
Title I Schools
Listed below are the schools served by Title I.
Corinth Elementary Grassy Pond Elementary Limestone-Central Elementary Northwest Elementary | B.D. Lee Elementary Blacksburg Elementary Blacksburg Primary Draytonville Elementary Luther Vaughan Elementary Gaffney Middle School |
Title I School Plan
A copy of the Title I school-wide plan is available in every Title I school for parents review and comments.
Parent School Compact
Each Title I school must have a Parent School Compact. Contact your child's school to receive a copy. The compact is also part of each Title I school's website.
Parent Notification
At the beginning of each school year, a district receiving Title I funding must notify parents that they may request information about the professional qualifications of their children's classroom teachers. The information you receive will include whether or not the teacher is highly qualified, or has met the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas taught; whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or provisional status; the degree major and other graduate certification. The information must include whether or not the child is provided services by a paraprofessional or assistant, and if so, their qualifications. A Title I school must also give timely notice when a child has been taught 4 or more weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified if that should occur.
This is to inform you that under the provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act, you have a right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of any instructional assistant who may be working with your child. Any request should be made to the principal of your child's school. Representatives of the school or the school district will respond to your request in a timely manner.
Schools Identified for Improvement
A school district receiving Title I funding must promptly notify parents if their student is enrolled in a Priority or Focus School. An explanation has been sent to parents. In Cherokee County, Mary Bramlett Elementary and Luther Vaughan Elementary are Priority Schools. Limestone-Central Elementary and Grassy Pond Elementary are Focus Schools.
Parent Involvement Policy
A district receiving Title I funding and each school served by Title I must jointly develop and distribute to parents of children in the Title I schools a written parent involvement policy. The policy must meet the requirements of NCLB. Schools must hold an annual meeting and review and amend the policy as needed. Schools must also hold a flexible number of meetings, involve parents in an ongoing manner in the planning and review of the Title I program. Schools must provide parents with information about how the Title I funding is spent, an explanation of the curriculum, an explanation of the forms of academic assessment, and hold meetings to discuss the education of your children. The school must develop a parent-school compact that outlines the responsibilities of each party for improved academic achievement.
Complaint Procedure
A complaint must be submitted in writing to the Cherokee County School District Office, Title I Department or the State Department of Education, Federal Programs Office. The complaint must include the name and address of the person submitting the complaint. The complaint and the facts on which the complaint are based must be included.
The mailing address for the school district is:
Cherokee County School District Office
Title I Department
P.O. Box 460
Gaffney, South Carolina 29342
The mailing address for the State Department of Education is:
State Department of Education
Federal Programs Office
1429 Senate Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Title IX
Statement of Nondiscrimination:
Cherokee County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding this non-discrimination policy:
Dr. Carl A. Carpenter, II,
Director of Human Resources at carl.carpenter@cherokee1.org or 864-206-2201.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act compliance inquiries should be directed to:
Mrs. Bessie D. Westmoreland,
Director of Special Services at bessie.westmoreland@cherokee1.org or 864-206-2201.
Click links below for more information
Right to Know
Parent Involvement Policy School
Parent, student, teacher agreement 2022-2023
2019 School Report Card